Cauca, Colombia

Following up on the declaration of the recent Gathering of Indigenous Spiritual Leaders of South America and the Abya Yala - a calling for joining forces to honor and protect Mother Earth - the First Gathering of Indigenous Youth was born, which was held from November 22nd to November 25th, 2019. This event was supported by ICCS US and facilitated by the spiritual leaders of the Council of Indigenous Elders of Colombia. It brought together 60 youth and Elders from over 10 ethnic groups of the country. The objective of the gathering was to identify young leaders whom with the guidance of the Elders, can strengthen and support the work for the preservation of the ancestral cultures, the wellbeing of the communities and the protection of Mother Earth.
There was an exchange of the work of the Elders and like-minded initiatives, as an inspiration for the youth that came to the event. Likewise, youngsters have been invited to join and help to enrich the actions that the Elders are leading at a local and national level.
A commitment was set, from the youth, to organize a follow-up gathering, to work on the proposals and action plan, to continue weaving together.
By: Jorge Calero
We, the youth of Amerrikua, call on all the youth of the planet, especially the youth of our peoples, to rise in joy and power. We are actors and protagonists of the total transformation of human culture, which these urgent times demand.
We, the young people, have the strength and vitality, joy and hope, rebellion and suspicion. We bring together ancestral heritage and technological knowledge. We have the intelligence and the courage necessary to say NO to the decadent system of excessive consumerism and the depredation of Nature.
We promise to say YES to Mother Earth and the Human Spirit. Let us be the midwives of this New Time, New Sun, New Planetary Culture, New Humanity.
Wake up youth! Break the enchantment and open yourself to the immensity of your cosmic and prophetic being. Ancient wisdom has returned and awaits you. Creativity is our tool and unity it's our vigor. Restoring balance is our purpose.
Let's form circles, let's walk together, through this bridge-time, celebrating life and celebrating the victory that is already ours.
Thanks to the source for this strength, for this life.
Thank you for this heart that contains the Universe and its mystery.
We have returned and we are millions.
We are One and All at the same time.
Pai, Bigá, Ashlepai, Duni, Jallalla, Aho, Mitakuye Oyasin.